Talia Golchin Goes Beyond the Bauhaus for La Prairie

Talia Golchin Goes Beyond the Bauhaus for La Prairie
A member of the Women Bauhaus Collective by La Prairie talks about following the lead of the art school’s pioneering women
Freize London 2022

Considered one of the most important art fairs in the global calendar, Frieze London and Frieze Masters bring together galleries from 42 countries, presenting art across the ages, from ancient and old masters to modern classics and the contemporary.
A New Collective Led by Sabine Marcelis Revitalizes the Story of Women in the Bauhaus Movement

The Women Bauhaus is a new art collective of five female artists led by mentor Sabine Marcelis, who are taking inspiration from the legacy of women in the Bauhaus movement. The project was commissioned by luxury skincare brand La Prairie as part of its ongoing patronage of the arts.
A new collective revitalises the legacy of female Bauhaus artists

The Women Bauhaus is a new collective of five young female artists who are celebrating and perpetuating the legacy of the women behind the Bauhaus movement. The project has been commissioned by La Prairie as part of its ongoing patronage of the arts (also see its 2021 Niki de Saint Phalle retrospective at MoMA PS1) and will make its debut at Art Basel 2022 this June.
Come ridare al viso l'armonia perduta

Un viso armonico è come un’opera d’arte: è perfetto perché ogni singola parte dialoga con la visione d’insieme, ed è unico proprio come lo è un elemento artistico. Questa armonia, che caratterizza il volto della giovinezza, con il passare del tempo perde la sua forma originaria perché la struttura della pelle è soggetta a modificazioni dovute all’invecchiamento cutaneo.
Bauhaus dalla parte delle ragazze

È il 1919 quando nasce la scuola d’arte e design del Bauhaus. La rivoluzione è sotto gli occhi di tutti. Nei suoi 14 anni di attività, il Bauhaus fissa gli standard dell’arte e del design contemporaneo grazie all’opera di Walter Gropius e Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, tra gli altri.
La Prairie’s Women Bauhaus Collective isn’t afraid to push boundaries

In just 14 years, Bauhaus sent an indelible ripple through the design world. German architect Walter Gropius founded the movement as a utopian merging of art and craft with the everyday, with the philosophy evolving into utilitarian mass production epitomised by the mantra ‘Art Into Industry’.
How Sabine Marcelis Is Working to Reshape the Art World

At first glance, Bauhaus, the German design school founded in 1919 that placed an emphasis on combining both form and function, appears progressive for its time. The school’s manifesto states, “any person of good repute, without regard to age or sex” could be considered for admission to the Bauhaus. In reality, women weren’t fully welcomed into the Bauhaus.
Art Basel 2022 : Sabine Marcelis et les femmes célèbrent le Bauhaus contemporain

Cinq jeunes femmes issues des écoles d’art et de design les plus prestigieuses du monde forment le collectif « Women Bauhaus Collective by La Prairie ». Leur mission commune : promouvoir le design contemporain créé par des femmes – et, par la même occasion, renouer avec l’histoire des femmes du Bauhaus, courageuses pionnières largement en avance sur leur temps.
Art Basel 2022 : Sabine Marcelis et les femmes célèbrent le Bauhaus contemporain

It is no secret that the founder of Clinique La Prairie, Dr Paul Niehans, was a lover of art and felt a deep kinship with artists. Continuing in its founder’s legacy, each new product carries with it a commitment to art and beauty, from the elegant vessel it is housed in to the sensual scent that envelops you as you apply the product.
Sabine Marcelis präsentiert modernes Bauhaus-Design von Frauen – jetzt auf der Art Basel 2022

Fünf junge Frauen von den renommiertesten Design- und Kunsthochschulen der Welt bilden das „Women Bauhaus Collective by La Prairie“. Ihre gemeinsame Mission: zeitgenössisches Design von Frauen zu fördern – und zugleich an die Geschichte der Frauen am Bauhaus anzuschließen, die als mutige Pionierinnen ihrer Zeit weit voraus waren.
Provocative new artworks and architecture: the UAL grads to watch out for

In her series of multimedia works, Umbilics, visual artist and Fine Art MA student Talia Golchin toys with the human form. By removing the components parts associated with identity, Golchin reduces bodies to their fundamental biological forms.
Talia Golchin 'Those We Love & Loathe"

Artist Talia Golchin Takes #MeToo Movement to Another Level at The Other Art Fair with her series ‘Those We Love & Loathe’.